If You Are Having Difficulty with Healthcare.gov or Your State Exchange, Read this Article...

Keep trying! It will be worth it!
How to Shop for Insurance Without Using the Obamacare Site
The rollout of the Obamacare's flagship website has been...less than pleasant, to put it politely. Healthcare.gov, the online portal that uninsured customers were supposed to use to buy insurance plans, is barely functional. Users are often shut out before they're able to view available plans, let alone complete a purchase. Last week, the Obama administration released numbers on Healthcare.gov's total sign-ups during its first month of operation. The results were dismal. Overall, just over 106,000 people have signed up for new private insurance plans—and just 27,000 of those people used the federal website to do so.
Read the rest of Patrick Caldwell's article in Mother Jones (19 November 2013)

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